Alice98 Test Records
Alice98 Test Records


1. Send a zip file containing every track you want to release as an album. (If it's a cloud service link like Google Drive, make sure it's accessible!)


2. Make sure the file formats are .wav or .flac, and make sure that the quality is 44100hz and above. Please label the tracks as 01.wav, 02.wav...


3. Album cover dimensions should be minimum 1400x1400. Extra artwork such as back covers and bonus images can be any size you want.


4. Make sure to include a text file and fill in the details with the template below. The boxes marked with a star (*) are OPTIONAL.


Album name: [Insert album name]

Album artist: [Insert album artist]

Description: [Insert album description, better if it's long]

Credits: [Insert album credits, can be anything you want or a link to your page*]



[Track number.] - [Track artist] - [Track name]

Description: [track description is optional, can be anything*]

Lyrics: [lyrics are optional, but better if provided*]

Credits: [you can link the sample here, it's optional but better if provided*]


(Make sure to repeat the tracklisting part for every track in the album. Click here if you'd like to see an example of a filled template.)